Hi There!👋

Here is Ahmad Rafiansyah "Rafi" Fauzan.

I graduated with a bachelor's degree in information systems,

Enthusiastic in Machine Learning 🤖+🧠 & Data 📈 related field.

Speak English and Bahasa Indonesia.

Code in Python, data science libraries such as Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, etc,
PyTorch and Keras machine learning framework, SQL databases, etc.



Bachelor of Information Systems, 2020

Universitas Nasional | Jakarta

Graduated with Best Publication


Pleural Effusion Classification Based on Chest X-Ray Images using Convolutional Neural Network

Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informasi. Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia.
Vol. 14(1) February 2021.


In my spare time, I like to do some projects.

Visit my , where I do my personal projects!

Got questions ? Just send me an email

📭 ahmadrafiansyahfauzan@gmail.com